Marketing doesn't just come from online platforms and social media. Some of the most important things you need can be found nearby
Mar 14
Under the Clear Cooperation Policy, a listing can be 'withheld' from the MLS and become an office-exclusive listing
Mar 2
It is the little things that happen every day that cause distrust and the accusation that Realtors are not professional enough. Here's how to make things better
Feb 10
If you want to use the ChatGPT chatbot for marketing, you need to be aware of its limitations and potential drawbacks
Jan 27
Sometimes quitting is the right thing to do. Having a plan first is a good idea — but not required
Jan 13
You've got 365 days to work with in 2023. Whatever your circumstances, that adds up to (at least) 365 opportunities in the coming year
Jan 11
An inclusive organization values all members for who they are, not just what they look like, how much money they make or how much power they hold
Dec 23
Do you ever wish HGTV showed the reality of real estate? Most of us are selling regular homes to the average American, and the reality is not always picture perfect
Dec 13
Social media platforms are evolving and so are your Friends' browsing habits. As followers start to scroll instead of social, you may find yourself in new digital territory
Dec 2
Flexibility and agility are always useful for independent contractors. Obtaining your brokers license during your downtime gives you more professional options
Nov 3
We can all ignore elections as being 'political' but that won’t make them go away. No adult who is old enough to vote is above politics
Oct 24
Housing fills a basic human need, so why is proptech being used to enrich the few rather than to benefit the many?
Oct 13
Whether you're creating a new blog post, a YouTube video or content for your social media channels, these topics are designed to help you fill your listing pipeline
Sep 26
There are many reasons a past client or current friend may not reach out to you as their real estate agent. Don't take it personally
Sep 13
Forget the memes. If you've been around real estate for any length of time, you know that the only thing you can expect is the unexpected
Sep 1
Sometimes real estate agents don't seem able to break away from the script and listen to what potential clients really want and need
Aug 18
Real estate companies and associations have spent bazillions on technology that no one wants to use or that quickly becomes obsolete. Here's what would make it better
Aug 1
Do you know how to explain the difference between a national and a local market stat to your client? The words you choose can make all the difference
Jul 19
Housing could be made more affordable. The problem? It's not in enough people's self-interest to do so
Jul 1
It isn’t safe to be on the internet, but that is where business comes from these days. Here's what to look out for and ideas for keeping yourself safer from online predators
Jun 22