A year after vowing to sell off all his “earthly possessions,” Elon Musk is selling his last remaining property in California.

Part response to criticism of his wealth and part decision to get rid of distractions amid his plans to take SpaceX to Mars, Musk sold three of his homes in Bel Air late last year for $41 million. The final home, a 16,000-square-foot and nine-bedroom estate south of San Francisco that Musk said is “rented out for events,” is now also for sale for $37.5 million — a decision that Musk announced in a tweet on Monday.

“Decided to sell my last remaining house,” Musk wrote. “Just needs to go to a large family who will live there. It’s a special place.”

The home is listed without an agent so, theoretically, interested buyers need to reach out directly to Musk even if the real-world details of how that would work are unclear. Currently the second-richest man in the world after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Musk is worth around $189 billion and had purchased this property in 2017 for $23.4 million. It sits on 47 acres of land in the neighborhood of Hillsborough, overlooks the Bay Area and comes with its own mini-forest full of hiking trails and canyons. The estate is in keeping with a space where one would host events since the inside boasts a ballroom, a banquet dining room and a professional kitchen.

In May 2020, Musk vowed to unload all of his “earthly possessions” in order to fully focus on his mission to Mars.

Known for extravagant claims and shocking spur-of-the-moment announcements, Musk recently claimed this property is his last remaining real estate on Earth while, to live, he rents a home he valued at approximately $50,000 in Boca Chica — the site of a SpaceX rocket production facility and a formerly sleepy area of southern Texas that is now seeing its real estate values explode thanks to Musk’s interest in the town.

“My primary home is literally a ~$50k house in Boca Chica / Starbase that I rent from SpaceX,” Musk wrote in a June 9 tweet. “It’s kinda awesome though. Only house I own is the events house in the Bay Area. If I sold it, the house would see less use, unless bought by a big family, which might happen some day.”

Email Veronika Bondarenko

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