In low-inventory, ultra-competitive markets like the one we're currently experiencing, buyers and their agents are coming up with a host of creative contract terms to help sway sellers
Jun 29
The pandemic dramatically shortened the listing and selling process, and forced buyers to become decisive about what they want. Now that sellers have gotten a taste of it, will they become unrealistically overconfident?
Jun 11
Heated demand and short inventory are shaping our post-pandemic world, but thanks to increased technology and changed expectations, the end result might just be better
Jun 7
In this current market, sellers need to have realistic expectations of what's to come. Here are a few things sellers should be prepared for
May 25
Navigating new construction is like walking through a field of landmines right now. You can never really be certain of the ground you are setting foot on because all continues to change at a rapid pace
May 11
As-is sales are always ripe for complications in markets that typically entertain repairs and concessions after the inspection period. Agents need to make sure clients are as prepared as possible before going into a multiple-offer situation. Here's how
Apr 27
Multiple offers, super-low inventory, skyrocketing values and lots of competition from cash buyers have made the current real estate climate both a blessing and a curse. Through that, a few real estate concepts were put to the test. Here's what lasted
Apr 14
In the mad dash that's buying a home these days, important details can slip through the cracks. That's why listing agents need to help sellers transition out of their homes in an organized fashion — without leaving out any critical information buyers might need
Apr 1
In today’s frenzied markets, real estate agents have to be on top of every aspect of the deal. Here’s what buyers and sellers should expect from agents
Mar 9
Not every agent will be willing to take the extra steps and do the legwork, but when it comes to luxury clients, this makes all the difference. Here's how you can deliver exceptional value to high-end clientele
Feb 18
In today's market, the stakes are high, decisions are swift, and there is immense pressure on everyone in the transaction — which is why sellers need a real estate agent by their side
Feb 2
The real estate market boomed last year, as people sought more space, amenities and new jobs that required relocation. But what will 2021 look like? Here's what will likely change — or stay the same — this year
Jan 19
While sheer supply and demand is making it tough to negotiate much beyond what a builder is offering, understanding how to navigate the process may help buyers time their purchase appropriately and save some money wherever they can
Dec 22
Just like a job interview, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and submitting an offer in today's market is very similar
Dec 9
Before moving on to another destination, here are a few things buyers should consider as they wade through their options
Nov 30
This industry is always moving fast. As a result, agents have become experts at crafting responses that can buy them time, leave the door open or get them to a desired outcome. Here are a few
Nov 10
House shopping in the coronavirus era is a high-intensity exercise, with homes selling at warp speeds. Clients who are turning to renting as a temporary solution might need to be aware of today's realities. Here are a few
Oct 27
Unfortunately, DIY sellers often have to go through these sometimes painful motions to get a much-needed reality check
Oct 13
Listing a property on the MLS — while representing it accurately and truthfully — can be a complex process, which is why agents need to do explain to sellers what is and isn't possible when setting up a listing. Here's how
Sep 29
There are many obstacles that can derail an inspection, especially in today's COVID-19 climate. As an agent, you should step in and offer sellers advice on what to do to make the process go a bit smoother
Sep 1